Heather Weeks - Memorial

This is Heather Weeks memorial website. If you are looking for Hope for Heather Ovarian Cancer site, it has moved to hopeforheather.org. Heather was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer June 10th 2008. You can read her blog of her courageous battle with cancer. She became and angel on November 14, 2008. 
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Heather's Benefit

 Heather was a dedicated competitive dancer who won awards at all the regional competitions. She graduated from UB with a degree in dance performance. She toured with Sesame Street Live for a season. She worked at the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund until her cancer diagnosis. See images from the benefit TMDC's boaster club hosted. 
Medical Benefit

Heather's Memorial

Heather became and angel on November 14, 2008. Her memorial service was held  on Nov. 22, 2008 at Christ Community United Methodist Church in Lakeland, NY. Over 500 friends, relatives, dancers, church members from NY and NJ attended her memorial.  You can hear the service on this page. 
Heather's Memorial
Heaatherina Cancer Journey Story

Heather's Blog

Heather was an excellent writer. She documented her cancer treatment journey from beginning to the end. Her feelings and emotions and will to continue to fight are artistically presented in this account. Please note sections of her account are graphic and difficult to read without tears. 
Heather's Blog

Dance Photos

Heather loved to dance. She said she felt alive when she was on stage. At Tawn Maries Dance Center she enjoyed over 10 years of successful competitive solo and group dancing. She developed some life long friendships with other dancers at Tawn's and then in Sessame Live. 

Dance Photos
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